Housing Opportunities
One Stop Shop
Stop in, get ready and go...
realize your dreams!
The primary goal of the WHA Resident Services Department is to partner with community agencies to provide valuable needed services to assist individuals, families, elderly, disabled and youth to become self-sufficient; improve access to job opportunities through information sharing; and coordinate with community and state agencies. Recognizing the needs of its residents to have convenient access to all types of personal and educational services, WHA has opened its door to a One-Stop Shop center that (houses) community agencies to provide services that fit the needs of our resident population to become employable and to live independently.
The One Stop Shop is designed as a centralized community services center that operates at the recently renovated WHA Crestview Apartments, 2700 N. Market Street, on the ground level.
Services are provided to WHA residents as well as members of the community who are seeking self-sufficiency with an emphasis on job readiness and home ownership. The facility offers a job-resource library, hands-on instruction in using computers, financial literacy, homeownership counseling, and access to health and social service professionals. “More than Housing”- WHA Links residents with services that are vital for successful daily living, and provides residents with resources and opportunities to reach their goals of a happier, healthier more productive life.
Have a question?
Give us a call.
Resident Services Staff: (302) 429-0914
Irmina Williams (Ext. 213)
Darniece Hampton (Ext. 214)
Our Resident Services
Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program
This program is directed toward Low income public housing families who are serious about achieving real and lasting self-sufficiency. In this program participants work toward achieving the fiscal responsibility and life skills necessary to leave public housing and ultimately become a homeowner. By combining case-management and the coordination of services, WHA partners in collaboration with a number of local and state service providers to offer training, education, employment assistance, home ownership counseling, financial management, and Individual Development Account.
For further information on Self-Sufficiency programs, contact 429-6701 Ext. 1007-1030. Additional information can be obtained about these programs by calling the Community Supportive Services office at 429-0954 or visit the office at The Park View, 1800 Broom Street.
Section 32 Home Ownership Program
Comprehensive Home-Ownership Program – We offer classes and counseling in a one on one setting focusing on the areas of credit repair, budgeting, financial literacy, home buying, and minor home repair / maintenance. Participation in the program helps to prepare students financially and personally for the step into home ownership.
Classes are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5pm at 320 East 5th Street in the Herlihy Community Room.
Senior Support Services
We assist our seniors in connecting with corresponding agencies that help them live independently.
Examples include: Meals on Wheels, Dart, Christiana Care, Benefit & Entitlement resources.

Resident Leadership Training
In an effort to better understand the needs of our residents and involve them in community issues, we help individuals to become leaders within their respective communities to help bring about positive change.
Employment and Training
The WHA works with the Delaware Workforce Investment Board (DWIB) and the Department of Labor to help participants gain the training and referrals necessary to find work in a tough labor market.